
Info – here you will find news about eco and more eco information, eco groups and books.


2024 We The People are now trying hard to be more eco friendly but the big corporations are still pushing plastics and chemicals on to us.  Time to boycott irresponsible companies.

2023  The war in Ukraine and now in the middle east is killing people and also wildlife and habitats.  War is bad for all of nature..


June 2nd – big fiery beacons are lit across England to honor Queen Elizabeth II of England and her Platinum Jubilee

4/22/2022  Earth Day 2022 – take a moment to feel part of planet earth in its beauty

The Russian war which has now compromised a nuclear reactor facility threatens the whole world.

The United Nations International Panel on Climate Change report stressed that reducing methane emissions should be a top priority.

A northern Swiss region will vote in February 2022 on whether non-human primates should enjoy some of the same basic fundamental rights as their human cousins.   From the campaign group Sentience under Switzerland’s direct democracy system, the regional vote concerns whether to give primates the right to life and the right to ‘mental and physical integrity’.  Basel-based Sentience says primates are highly intelligent and maintain an active social life, and feel pain, grief and compassion.  The proposal would not extend fundamental rights to animals – but instead introduce specific rights for non-human primates.  ::  source: Dailymail of UK


World leaders at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow signed new commitments to reduce greenhouse gases.

The US Geological Survey launched its new program ‘Banders Without Borders’ which the United States Bird Banding Lab hopes will strengthen bird banding endeavors globally.


In the 2020 meeting of the Royal Geographical Society of London, UK, the Earthwatch Institute declared bees the most important living species on this planet.



The Overstory by  Richard Powers

the eco beacon editor has reviewed this book:  One of those books that just gets better.  A game changer in how we view the world around us.  After reading this book the world will have a different meaning for you.  Enlightening.

The Overstory: Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2018 by Powers, Richard The

CLICK BUY The Overstory at eBay #sponsored for less

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

the eco beacon editor has reviewed this book: The classic 1962 book that launched the environmental movement.  Enlightening.

Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

CLICK BUY Silent Spring at eBay #sponsored for less

The Last Greek by Christian Cameron

the eco beacon editor has reviewed this book: All about Greece in year 210 BCE and one of the greatest warriors of Greece, Philopoemen.  What struck the eco chord was the very close connection warriors had to their horses and how food and fodder were of equal importance.

click/buy Greek at eBay #sponsored for less

The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson

The eco beacon editor has reviewed this book: Set in the near future about a ministry established under the Paris Agreement to work internationally to stop the increase in global warming.  A novel about what the world is facing environmentally due to higher temperatures with ideas about how to address the issue.  Exciting and hopeful.

Ministry for the Future by paperback Book - Picture 1 of 1

click/buy The Ministry from eBay #sponsored for less


The Endangered Species Import and Export Act of 1976 and the expanded Modification Order 0f 1979 were a good starting point in addressing the plight of endangered species.  They started to raise awareness of the dangers to our eco systems and wildlife.  However the situation is still bad and we have to do more.


ECO DAY :: Make an eco choice today


eco beacon environmental calendar

January 5 is National Bird Day

March 21 is International Day of Forests

April 22 is Earth Day

April 29 is Arbor Day

May 20 is World Bee Day

May 23 is World Turtle Day

June 5 is World Environment Day

June 8 is World Oceans Day

June 22 is World Rainforest Day

July 29 is World Tiger Day

August 12 is World Elephant Day

September 21 is International Day of Peace

September 25 is World Rivers Day

November 15 is America Recycles Day


In 2018 the EPA noted that 27 million tons of plastic waste were sent to landfills.  A dreadful fact, we must do better.

Much of the plastic waste now in the oceans found its way there via the rivers.  We have to realize that we have to take care of our rivers too as they are funneling our plastic waste straight into the oceans.  Although the worst of these rivers are in Asia it is dreadful to find the Mississippi river is number 10 on the list.  Dispose of your plastic trash responsibly.



Only 3% of philanthropic funds goes toward environmental programs.  If you too are shocked by that fact then the following organizations need your help now more than ever.

Get involved and/or donate to:

The Nature Conservancy  —

Greenpeace  —

Sierra Club  —

Save our Oceans —

Save Americas Forests  —

Save the turtles  —