eco tip

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Recycle this.  Recycle that.  Make more effort to recycle

Clean your kitchen countertop with an already used piece of lemon.  Even if already squeezed there is always enough cleaning power in a half lemon to wipe down your counter top.  No chemicals wiped onto your countertop this way too and safe around kids.

Start catching rainwater to water your plants.  However you do this whether a bucket put outside when it rains or a real rain barrel if you have the space, think of all the filtered house water you will be saving

Try your best not to buy anything in polystyrene.  It is ecologically bad stuff

Buy loose vegetables not the ones in plastic packages – its just landfillplastic

Switch to oat milk from almond milk as growing almonds demands a vast amount of water.

Clean up your area after a day at the beach – including any broken glass and old plastic.

Start mending your own stuff instead of tossing and buying more

When using the basin faucet turn the water pressure down

Simply turn the lights off when you leave a room

Donate unwanted items – do not just trash them

Take your own reusable bags when out shopping

Support your local farmers market – less gas used,  less plastic used and less styrofoam used

Use cold water to wash some of your laundry, especially if you will then put it in the hot dryer

Make some small rags out of an old dingy pillowcase and use as dish rags or for other cleanup jobs

Use public transport for some trips – share the fuel – eco share

Turn the house water temperature right down during summer – water does not need to be so hot in summer

Start putting your used coffee grounds into a compost heap

Use less paper towel – go on, do it

Start a compost heap (just vegetable matter no meats)

Line dry some of your laundry.  Not using the dryer saves lots of energy and saves you lots of money

Use vinegar to clean kitchen faucet and counter – it cleans without any noxious chemicals around your food

Swap a short car trip for a bike trip

Turn off all lights when checking out of your hotel room

Want to try even harder?

Start pulling the small paper tag off your teabag and drop the tag into your paper recycling

Donate to an environmental protection organization

Just buy less plastic.